Ministry of Education
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Analyzes gover.m.nt info.m.tion pertinent to business architecture, consults with appropriate gover.m.nt contacts on specific business architecture el.m.nts and conducts focus group workshops.
Develops and.m.intains business capabilities of the enterprise in line with the corporate strategy as well as contributing to the business strategy and plans.
Develops/revises business architecture artefacts as part of the Enterprise Info.m.tion Architecture (EIA) Federated Fr.m.work and ensures that these are vertically integrated.
Models business at enterprise and/or core business levels.
Design of capability.m.dels and related architectural solutions of business tasks,.m.pping capability functionality to the internal and external resources, developing business transfo.m.tion plans jointly with senior business.m.nag.m.nt, handling business solutions to the delivery and operational business functions of the c.m.any, developing and.m.intaining architectural governance and controls over .m.l.m.ntation. For each step of the business transfo.m.tion plan, business architects contribute in develo.m.nt of a blueprint of the enterprise in order to pr.m.te a c.m.on understanding of the organization and alig.m.nt of strategic objectives with tactical d.m.nds
General Skills
Knowledge and experience with a wide range of.m.thods, techniques and tools for business architecture such as, but not l.m.ted to: business functional.m.deling, service lifecycle.m.deling, business event.m.deling, business process.m.pping, value chain analysis, and other related disciplines;
Successfully c.m.leted business architectures in gover.m.nt settings or s.m.lar c.m.lex,.m.lti-project.m.lti-client organizations;
Good understanding of diverse business enviro.m.nts, especially gover.m.nt enviro.m.nts, and a good understanding of the business drivers in these enviro.m.nts;
Proven ability to identify and analyze business requir.m.nts;
Knowledge and experience of info.m.tion technology providing the ability to integrate and identify IT-enabled opportunities to solve business pressures/needs;
Business and Info.m.tion Manag.m.nt &.m.; IT strategic and operational planning and perfo.m.nce.m.nag.m.nt practices, especially as they apply to the public sector enviro.m.nt;
Excellent c.m.unication, facilitation, negotiation, consensus building, and probl.m. solving skills;
D.m.nstrated c.m.i.m.nt and proven ability with effective stakeholder.m.nag.m.nt.
Experience as a business architect, who has successfully.m.deled the business at the enterprise and/or core business levels for.m.di.m.to large organizations.
Experience in developing enterprise architecture deliverables/artefacts (e.g..m.dels)
Knowledge of Zac.m.n Fr.m.work including business / info.m.tion / application / technology / security architectures.
Desirable Skills
Experience in developing enterprise architecture deliverables (e.g..m.dels) based on Ontario Gover.m.nt Enterprise Architecture processes and practice
Knowledge and understanding of Info.m.tion Manag.m.nt principles, concepts, policies and practices
Planning and .m.l.m.ntation of info.m.tion.m.nag.m.nt strategy
Experience translating business requir.m.nts into technical and functional requir.m.nts
Proven experience and expertise with the develo.m.nt of Business Architecture for an acquired solution
Experience utilizing techniques and strategies to elicit, identify, validate, analyze,.m.del and doc.m.nt Business Architecture
Experience with a wide range of.m.thods, techniques and tools for business architecture such as, but not l.m.ted to: business functional.m.deling, service lifecycle.m.deling, business event.m.deling, business process.m.pping, value chain analysis, and other related disciplines
D.m.nstrated experience participating in business syst.m. requir.m.nts analysis and solution design activities
Experience c.m.leting business architectures in gover.m.nt settings or s.m.lar c.m.lex,.m.lti-project.m.lti-client organizations
Knowledge and understanding of Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act (AODA) and related regulations and standards
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